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What is PBIS?

PBIS stands for Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports. It is a program that promotes positive behavior. PBIS is based on teaching students the four school rules (4 Bs): Be Respectful, Be Responsbile, Be Safe and Be Kind.

In addition to explicitly teaching the school rules, students are taught what the expected behaviors are in all settings on campus such as the playground, classroom, cafeteria, library, office, etc. All students are taught the same expectations and the same rules from Kinder to 5th grade, which enables the school to provide consistent expectations across settings. Students learn the expectations outlined in our Behavior Matrix (click to view it). 

Finally, staff (and other adults on campus) are tasked with the goal of "catching" students when they are following the school rules. We celebrate students' positive behaviors in an effort to give attention to the positive, instead of only pointing out the negative. Students who are "caught" behaving well can receive a Superstar Buck acknowledgement slip. Students can put these slips into a classroom container and obtain the opportunity to win a free Wednesday ice cream (thank you PTSA for funding this!). Since only one student, per classroom, wins an ice cream each week, the remaining Superstar Buck acknowledgement slips are added to the schoolwide containers. Each month, Mrs. Meltzer picks 5 students from the containers to have lunch with her. Finally, when the school earns 500, 1000, 1500, etc. slips, all students earn extra recess minutes and at the end of the year, we will have a dance party on the blacktop to celebrate! This system reinforces and celebrates individual achievements and community achievements!

Ponderosa is part of a cohort of schools implementing these strategies. This work enables our staff members to engage in ongoing professional development about positive behavior while implementing new strategies throughout campus to ensure positive behavior. The underlying theory behind implementing PBIS is that when a school culture embraces and celebrates the positive actions and attitudes of those in the community, students will be more successful academically. Positive behavior, and the related positive reinforcement by adults, increases self esteem and self worth, which in turn increases academic success!

Reading Suggestions for Parents

Our PBIS Coach has collected a great list of books for parents. There are parenting books about discipline and children's books to help with social emotional development. Click here for the list!

School Rules (4 Bs)

Be Respectful

Be Responsible

Be Safe

Be Kind

4Bs Song

Ponderosa 4Bs Song (click to hear it!)

We are the 4 Bs, remember us all

Be Respectful, Be Safe, Be Responsible, Be Kind

We are the 4 Bs, remember us all

Be Respectful, Be Safe, Be Responsible, Be Kind

Ponderosa loves us and we love you too

Please bring us with you in all you do

4 Bs boppa-doppa-do, 4 Bs boppa-doppa-do

4 Bs boppa-doppa-do, 4 Bs boppa-doppa-do

4 Bs boppa-doppa-do, 4 Bs boppa-doppa-do

4 Bs boppa-doppa-do, 4 Bs boppa-doppa-do

We are the 4 Bs, remember us all

Be Respectful, Be Safe, Be Responsible, Be Kind